Setting a prop to typeof enum in vue SFC

Published on Tuesday, July 10, 2018

One of the ways to get typescript support inside single file components is to use vue-class-component together with vue-property-decorator.

This enables you to give better typings for your props:

import { Vue, Prop, Component } from "vue-property-decorator";

    name: 'MyCoolComponent'
export default class extends Vue {
    @Prop() complexType!: ComplexType

But the caveat is that Vue will treat the type as Object in most cases. One place where this can be a problem is when using enums.

With the following code:

enum Suit {
    Heart = 1,
    Spade = 2,
    Diamond = 3,
    Club = 3

...component declaration
@Prop() suit!: Suit;

You will get type checking inside you file, but at runtime you may encounter the following error [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "suit". Expected Object, got Number..

This is because under the hood, a typescript enum looks like this (ts playground link):

var Suit;
(function (Suit) {
    Suit[Suit["Heart"] = 1] = "Heart";
    Suit[Suit["Spade"] = 2] = "Spade";
    Suit[Suit["Diamond"] = 3] = "Diamond";
    Suit[Suit["Club"] = 3] = "Club";
})(Suit || (Suit = {}));

and when an enum member is passed into the vue component, it thinks it got a number.

The fix I found was to use the following configuration inside the Prop decorator.

    type: Number,
    default: null // Use this if the value can be null or undefined
suit!: Suit;